Arborists from LAM Tree Service bucket truck and grappler collecting trunks from a freshly felled tree in Jefferson County, CO.

How to Prepare for Tree Removal

If you’ve scheduled tree removal service, you may be wondering “What now?” Read our quick guide describing the steps you can take to make the removal process fast and efficient.

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Tree pests like these can be prevented with regular maintenance.

How to Prevent Tree Diseases and Insect Pest Problems

Getting an early start on dealing with insect and disease issues can make all the difference between a beautiful, healthy landscape and one that’s plagued by problems all season. By focusing on prevention, rather than reacting to disease and pest infestation when it happens, you save money that may be spent on unnecessary pesticides and get to enjoy a more attractive environment.

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Considering DIY Tree Removal or Pruning?

If you want to do large tree pruning or removal yourself, here are the questions to answer before starting. DIY tree work is dangerous – be safe by knowing the risks and understanding the training, equipment, and specialized tools that go into doing it safely and properly.

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Wind blows through some conifer trees in Colorado.

How the Wind Impacts Trees in Colorado

Wind can damage your Colorado trees but also help them grow stronger. Learn how the wind and trees work together, some things to watch for, and how LAM Tree Service can help with your wind-damaged trees.

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An aspen tree in Colorado sprouts new leaf buds in spring.

5 Reasons Your Aspen Isn’t Leafing Out

When your aspen tree isn’t producing new leaves in the spring, does that mean there’s something is wrong? Let’s discuss what aspen leafing is and give five reasons your tree may not be “leafing out.”

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A leach field under construction with trees nearby.

Why Trees Growing in Leach Fields Can Be Costly

Installing a leach field is already expensive, but it can become more expensive if there are trees growing in it! These FAQs explain how growing trees (as well as removing them) can damage your leach field system and what to plant there instead.

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